
Exploring Childhood Trauma’s Connection to Adult Addiction

Exploring Childhood Trauma’s Connection to Adult Addiction

Thanks to continued effort in the world of research surrounding addiction and its causes, we have a better understanding of the disease than ever before. That being said, there are still aspects of how addiction forms and should be treated due to the vast differences...

What Can Inpatient Drug Treatment Mean to You

What Can Inpatient Drug Treatment Mean to You

It is not easy to make the decision to enter into residential treatment for drug addiction. This treatment plan requires a person to leave home, where they are comfortable and where their support team exists, to get treatment for addiction. Yet, there are a lot of...

Does Aetna Cover Rehab for Drug & Alcohol Addiction?

Does Aetna Cover Rehab for Drug & Alcohol Addiction?

If you are entering rehab to pursue treatment and recovery, the last thing you need to worry about is how you will pay for it. At America's Rehab Campuses, we accept a wide variety of payment methods and insurance plans to make rehabilitation and treatment more...

When Do You Start To Feel You Are Withdrawing?

When Do You Start To Feel You Are Withdrawing?

Most people have seen a withdrawal scene in the movies or on television. The person looks like they're in agonizing pain, often they're sickly and sweating, and they struggle not to give up.If you're about to get clean or have a loved one who plans to get sober, you...

What Drugs Are More Commonly Being Laced with Fentanyl?

What Drugs Are More Commonly Being Laced with Fentanyl?

Fentanyl is a highly dangerous substance, causing lethal overdoses quickly, even on a first dose. It's an opioid, one that is used in limited circumstances in medical situations when a person is suffering from severe pain, such as after an injury or surgical...

How Has Fentanyl Use Increased Over the Past Two Years in AZ?

How Has Fentanyl Use Increased Over the Past Two Years in AZ?

Ever since the opioid epidemic began over 20 years ago, illicit substances that provide the same effects have become more and more popular. With this new wave of drug abuse came a harrowing discovery that traditionally abused opioids such as painkillers and heroin...

What Are the Four Signs of Substance Abuse?

What Are the Four Signs of Substance Abuse?

Substance abuse occurs when an individual uses drugs or alcohol on a consistent basis or recklessly. This abuse may include alcohol, illegal drugs such as heroin or cocaine, as well as prescription medications. There are many signs a person may be struggling with...

What Defines a Drug Addict?

What Defines a Drug Addict?

How do you know someone you love has an addiction? Drug addiction, also known as a substance use disorder, isn't a condition that happens in one day or because of a few drinks. It typically builds over time as a person consistently uses substances. Understanding this...

How Does Your Body Feel When You Stop Drinking Alcohol?

How Does Your Body Feel When You Stop Drinking Alcohol?

Ending a relationship with alcohol can be a lifelong challenge that many individuals don't fully understand. If you've regularly consumed alcohol for any period of time, quitting can lead to withdrawal symptoms that have adverse effects on the mind and body.The...

Which Drugs Have the Most Severe Withdrawal Symptoms?

Which Drugs Have the Most Severe Withdrawal Symptoms?

For those who have experienced drug withdrawals, you understand how painful and severe the symptoms can be. These withdrawal symptoms are what stops most solo attempts at sobriety dead in their tracks. How various drugs interact with the brain and body is well known,...

Alcohol Withdrawal: Symptoms, Timeline & Detox Process

Alcohol Withdrawal: Symptoms, Timeline & Detox Process

Alcohol consumption is one of the most common ways we partake in substances that alter how our bodies function. While it's previously been advised that moderate amounts of alcohol can have certain health benefits, it's now come to light that any amount of alcohol has...

How Can You Tell If A Drug Is Laced With Fentanyl?

How Can You Tell If A Drug Is Laced With Fentanyl?

Fentanyl-laced drugs have become more and more prevalent in recent years. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) found fentanyl-laced substances more than 8,600 times in a single six-month period. Of course, this is problematic because of the high risks associated...

When Is Relapse Most Likely to Occur?

When Is Relapse Most Likely to Occur?

Drug and alcohol addiction is a complex, progressive condition. It's likely to worsen over time, making it nearly impossible to stop using on your own. When you're facing addiction, entering into treatment is one of the most important steps you can take. Yet, even...

What Is the Most Widely Used Drug in the United States?

What Is the Most Widely Used Drug in the United States?

Drug abuse and addiction can prove to be a significant challenge to overcome. While alcohol and caffeine are the most common substances to become addicted to, both are legal and easily accessible. As we venture into the statistics of illicit drug use, the number of...

What Is the Importance of Detoxing from Drugs or Alcohol?

What Is the Importance of Detoxing from Drugs or Alcohol?

Drug and alcohol addiction is debilitating. Initially, getting high or drinking until you don't think can seem enjoyable, but you may be unable to stop over time. That's because, with consistent use, these substances change the function of the brain so much so that...

What Are the 4 Types of Drugs?

What Are the 4 Types of Drugs?

One of the strongest weapons in the fight against drug abuse and addiction is knowledge. The more we understand addiction and how different drugs can lead to it, the more opportunities we have to fight against it. There are four types of drugs, classified by the...

Fostering Happiness and Growth at ARC

Fostering Happiness and Growth at ARC

Making the decision to tackle addiction head-on is a more difficult challenge than you may think. Since addiction is already such an intense battle to fight, it's important to seek out professional help. Proper treatment centers will strive to make the process as...

Why Do We Have Withdrawal Symptoms?

Why Do We Have Withdrawal Symptoms?

Withdrawal symptoms occur during the detox period after your last drink or use of drugs. Chronic substance use leads to these symptoms worsening and they can be vastly different in severity and type. What Happens During Drug Withdrawal? Consistent use of a substance...

What Does it Mean When You Have a Withdrawal?

What Does it Mean When You Have a Withdrawal?

While recreational drug abuse and excessive drinking are unfortunately normalized in American society, it's easy to fall into cycles of harmful behavior. Someone can consume these substances to the point of becoming addicted without thinking of themselves as an...

Drug Withdrawal Symptoms, Timelines, and Treatment

Drug Withdrawal Symptoms, Timelines, and Treatment

Drug withdrawal is a complex process that the body has to go through to break dependence. It can feel like it is impossible for those with addiction and dependence to stop using, no matter how much you want to do so. That's because of the way the brain and body become...

Fentanyl Addiction Treatment at America’s Rehab Campuses

Fentanyl Addiction Treatment at America’s Rehab Campuses

In recent years, the opioid epidemic has reached its most deadly phase with tens of thousands dead each year. While COVID-19 and the accompanying social isolation and economic hardship have exacerbated existing trends, illicit fentanyl had already eliminated early...

Overcoming Addiction with America’s Rehab Campus

Overcoming Addiction with America’s Rehab Campus

Addiction isn't something easily dealt with, requiring multiple approaches to ensure a successful treatment program. America's Rehab Campus understands the needs of proper addiction treatment and offers services for each step all in one place. From detox to aftercare...

Don’t Just Replace Alcohol, Overcome Your Addiction

Don’t Just Replace Alcohol, Overcome Your Addiction

Struggling with alcohol abuse can lead to a multitude of issues in your personal, professional and social life. Alcohol is becoming a socially acceptable form of self-medication for mental health issues such as anxiety and depression.Popularized heavily by different...

What’s the Most Challenging Part of Rehab?

What’s the Most Challenging Part of Rehab?

The road to recovery isn't an easy one to embark on, but holds the gift of independence from drugs and alcohol. For some, accepting that help is needed can be a challenge while others may be searching for an answer but aren't sure what's available. Both cases have the...

What To Expect From Phoenix Alcohol Rehab

What To Expect From Phoenix Alcohol Rehab

With the holidays recently coming to an end, many of us are returning back to a normal routine after a string of festivities. There are some that struggled with the holidays due to the amount of alcohol and social drinking involved with the celebrations. For these...

Know Your Options for Inpatient Alcohol Rehab Near Tucson 

Know Your Options for Inpatient Alcohol Rehab Near Tucson 

 Alcoholism is a condition that takes a terrible toll on communities throughout Arizona, and at America's Rehab Campuses it's our mission to help. While everyone's recovery journey looks different and there are many paths to take, one of the best options is certainly...

Where Do You Go if You Are Addicted to Drugs?

Where Do You Go if You Are Addicted to Drugs?

If addiction to drugs has become a concern for you, it's important to understand that there are treatment options and plans available. Treatment centers such as America's Rehab Campus are the best step you can take when it comes to addressing your drug addiction.In...

Learn Your Triggers and Develop Coping Mechanisms to Stay Clean

Learn Your Triggers and Develop Coping Mechanisms to Stay Clean

Much of the discourse on addiction and recovery focuses on what causes addiction and why it's so difficult to quit. However, the challenges of staying clean and resisting the chronic urge to relapse are perhaps even more important. While it's certainly possible to...

What is a Treatment Model in Addiction?

What is a Treatment Model in Addiction?

The science of addiction and behavioral health in general often includes mention of models. A model is essentially a theoretical view of how something should work, and scientists can model how they believe a condition works. For instance, there are numerous...

What’s the Most Effective Treatment for Alcohol Dependence?

What’s the Most Effective Treatment for Alcohol Dependence?

When alcohol dependence is recognized in an individual, the first thing on the mind is what options there are to safely break that dependence and the underlying disorder. Alcohol addiction or abuse can often be considered alcohol use disorder.What Is Alcohol Use...

What Does it Mean To Be In Recovery From Drugs?

What Does it Mean To Be In Recovery From Drugs?

When it comes to addiction and sobriety, there's a lot of talk of recovery and just as much confusion as to exactly what it means. Does recovery begin the last time you use a drug, and does relapse take you back to square one? Is going through withdrawals and flushing...

What Does Recovery Do for the Family?

What Does Recovery Do for the Family?

Addiction doesn't just affect those struggling with it. Whether it be an addiction to drugs or alcohol, everyone close to the addicted person is impacted. Friends, children, partners and family all have varying levels of involvement with the addiction which is why...

What Is Recovery for Regarding Addiction?

What Is Recovery for Regarding Addiction?

Overcoming addiction means going through recovery, typically used to refer to the time after starting treatment. Recovery means many different things though, depending on who you ask. What most will agree is that recovery is a period of healing and growth, a time...

Why You Should Find a Rehab to Help You Detox

Why You Should Find a Rehab to Help You Detox

Suffering from addiction is a scary, difficult experience that can often feel shameful due to the cultural stigma around it. It can be tempting to try to detox alone in silence, but this is a risky proposition that increases your risk of relapse and complications....

Can I Drink in Front of Someone Recovering From Alcohol Abuse?

Can I Drink in Front of Someone Recovering From Alcohol Abuse?

Addiction is a lifelong struggle of managing impulses and cravings in a healthy and positive way. There will always be various ups and downs during recovery that make continued sobriety a challenge for many. When it comes to alcohol addiction, this is especially...

Why Should I Go to Rehab Sooner Rather Than Later?

Why Should I Go to Rehab Sooner Rather Than Later?

Substance abuse and addiction have only been increasing since the start of the opioid epidemic, especially during the pandemic. It's all too common that we see individuals ignoring the signs of addiction which leads to fewer and fewer people seeking out the treatment...

How Do You Know if You’re Experiencing Methadone Withdrawals?

How Do You Know if You’re Experiencing Methadone Withdrawals?

Methadone is widely known as the drug used at rehab centers to help individuals recover from addiction to other substances. Heroin is the most common drug in question that methadone can help ease users off of. Methadone is a synthetic opioid which means it interacts...

How Long Can Withdrawal Symptoms From Pills Last?

How Long Can Withdrawal Symptoms From Pills Last?

Substance abuse and addiction relating to prescription opioids and other pills has been on the rise in the US for over 20 years. Over 10 million people aged 12 or older used opioid painkillers in the past year. While opioids are the most commonly abused prescription...

Why Do I Need a Professional Rehab Center?

Why Do I Need a Professional Rehab Center?

Addiction to drugs or alcohol is never something you or a loved one want to realize has developed. When the use of drugs or alcohol starts having negative impacts on you or the people around you, it's time to take a step back and figure out what's causing the...

How Does Giving Up Alcohol Reduce Anxiety?

How Does Giving Up Alcohol Reduce Anxiety?

The use of alcohol to help unwind after a stressful experience has become so normalized that many Americans see no issue with the practice. Alcohol serves to help users relax by depressing, or slowing down, the central nervous system which limits how many stressful...

Common Behaviors Associated with Heroin Addiction

Common Behaviors Associated with Heroin Addiction

Heroin and other opioid painkillers like it are at the heart of America's drug abuse and overdose epidemic. However, there's even more to addiction than fatalities and grim statistics. As people suffer from addiction, they often engage in risky or otherwise...

AHCCCS Open Enrollment and Coverage Resources

AHCCCS Open Enrollment and Coverage Resources

It's that time of year and the AHCCCS open enrollment has begun and members can enroll or change their coverage until December 31st, 2021. Before we dive into the plan specifics for the coming coverage year, it's important to note that if you're already happy with...

Substance Abuse and COVID-19: What You Should Know

Substance Abuse and COVID-19: What You Should Know

The pandemic has been a source of concern and stress for all of us, increasing the rates at which mental health is declining as a whole. Anxiety and depression are both being reported at alarmingly high rates but those aren't the only conditions stemming from the...

Mental Illness and Addiction: How the Two Conditions Are Connected

The connection of mental illness and substance use disorder has become commonly acknowledged in the scientific community as a dual diagnosis. Oftentimes the presence of a mental illness can lead to substance abuse and eventually addiction, but drug and alcohol abuse...

Are Vicodin and Oxycodone the Same?

Are Vicodin and Oxycodone the Same?

Vicodin and oxycodone are powerful painkillers available only through a prescription. Both drugs are used to help treat temporary or chronic pain and are considered semi-synthetic opioids. As such, they share similar chemical compositions and are often combined with...

What Is Methadone? Uses, Abuse and Addiction Concerns

What Is Methadone? Uses, Abuse and Addiction Concerns

Methadone is a prescription drug typically used for the treatment of moderate to severe pain. It functions similarly to heroin and morphine in regards to the receptors it targets within the brain to suppress the feelings of pain. This is because methadone is actually...

What Does Valium Do to Your Body?

What Does Valium Do to Your Body?

Valium is part of a group of medications often referred to as "happy pills" that can tackle a wide range of conditions and create a feeling of contentness and relaxation. As we've learned over the years, these types of drugs have a heavy likelihood for abuse and...

How Long Do Tremors Last During Alcohol Withdrawal?

How Long Do Tremors Last During Alcohol Withdrawal?

Alcohol abuse and addiction can have substantial negative impacts on an individual physically, mentally and personally. When the time comes to recover, it can be concerning for those who have developed dependencies on alcohol as withdrawal symptoms are a common...

How Long Will Withdrawal Symptoms From Pills Last?

How Long Will Withdrawal Symptoms From Pills Last?

Reliance on pharmaceutical drugs to live day-to-day life is, unfortunately, a common problem in America. What starts as a pharmaceutical treatment for an injury or valid medical concern slowly morphs into a dependency that can quickly accelerate into a full-blown...

Managing OxyContin Withdrawal Symptoms

Like many painkillers, OxyContin is a prescription drug used for extended relief of pain lasting up to 12 hours at a time. It comes from oxycodone and is typically reserved for cases of severe pain due to the strength and tendency to become the target of substance...