
Alcoholism, or alcohol use disorder (AUD), has been around for as long as the effects of alcohol were known and the substance was readily available. Many people seek out alcohol as a means to unwind after work or make a social situation more relaxed. Drinking in moderation can minimize the impact alcohol has on your body, but those who find themselves addicted to alcohol are at risk of severe health issues.

To help reduce these risks and guide these individuals through recovery, several forms of therapy have been adapted and researched to fit with the needs of alcoholism treatment. These are five types of therapy commonly used today by those with alcoholism.

1. Traditional Psychotherapy

When you think of therapy, you likely think of sitting down and having a conversation with a psychologist about what plagues your mind. This is known as psychotherapy, or talk therapy, and gives you a safe environment to open up and share your traumas and concerns. You’ll work to create plans that help you achieve your goals while processing complex emotions, ultimately reducing the symptoms that can contribute to cravings.

For those looking to explore medication to help with mental health issues, a psychiatrist can prescribe medication based on the results of psychotherapy sessions with them.

2. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is a more structured approach to psychotherapy that leverages talk therapy but meets it with an action plan for improvement rather than focusing on a diagnosis. CBT works by discovering negative thought patterns and associations and altering their perspective. Patients will often face large mental blocks that have been ignored for years.

Old traumas and fears have a lingering impact on nearly every action we take, which is why CBT is so effective in creating a more positive outlook on life for patients.

3. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Also built upon traditional psychotherapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, or DBT, takes a more philosophical approach. DBT goes off of the foundation that the world is a connected and ever-changing environment we all live in. Since change is inevitable, DBT helps patients learn what they want in life and how to live in the moment to achieve that. Patients also learn how to process their emotions without dwelling on the negative, a key component in emotional regulation.

4. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

EMDR is used in cases where an individual has experienced trauma in life, but they may not be fully aware of its impact on them in the present. EMDR therapy has proven to be effective at quickly helping patients overcome psychological trauma in a matter of sessions, something that traditional psychotherapy can take years to accomplish. With EMDR, experts are seeing that some emotional trauma can be treated similarly to physical trauma by directly addressing what’s causing the pain in order to initiate recovery.

5. Expressive Arts And Music Therapy

Using art as an outlet for emotions and creativity is nothing new, but its effectiveness is why its still used today. There’s no denying that putting complex emotions into words can be a challenge, but art allows patients to convey those feelings through other mediums.

To learn more about treatment options for alcoholism, contact us here at America’s Rehab Campus to speak with a recovery specialist.