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Before these two young women became the people you see in this video today, they were experiencing pain and addiction. Completely alone, isolated, and aimless, they were forced early on in their lives to abandon their youth and grow up with the harsh realities of street drugs, and crime. That was until they found a community they could trust and depend on at ARC.

Esther and Kathlin’s Story

Esther and Kathlin grew up fast during those dark days battling their addictions. Arriving at ARC, they finally had a safe place to explore their sense of fun that the drug scene and streets had hardened and kept  them from experiencing. Having a sense of community was so important for their recovery. Meeting others just like them gave a profound sense of purpose and camaraderie. They quickly learned they did not have to look out for just themselves. They learned that there is immense joy and strength in being there for others during their darkest times. Helping others taught Esther and Kathlin a lot more about themselves as well. After ARC, these women will be able to confidently incorporate the tools they learned and live a healthier, more purposeful life with direction, confidence, and support. At ARC, the camaraderie really is the magic ingredient. Having a strong sense of community truly aids in recovery from addiction. No one needs to battle this alone. We offer the support one needs to overcome their darkest moments, in a safe, inclusive, judgment-free environment.

Life After Recovery

The experience at ARC for both Esther and Kathlin has been an “awesome experience”. They’ve learned so much and can’t wait to take the tools that they have both learned home with them to continue in their recoveries. The confidence ARC instilled in them is what will help them continue their journey through recovery on the outside. Not to mention the life long friends that have now become their family for life.

ARC offers drug detox, alcohol detox, and a wide range of evidence-based therapies effective in treating substance use disorders and addiction. If you or a loved one needs help fighting addiction, contact ARC today at 833-272-7342 to learn more about our available recovery programs.