Mental Health Treatment Centers Tucson

There are a number of mental health issues affecting millions of people, both in the US and across the globe, and many of them only get to be discovered in already advanced stages. What’s worse is that, in a lot of cases, these disorders are sometimes linked to other, more serious affections, with the potential for complications, if not treated in time. This is why the team of experts at America’s Rehab Campuses treat them with utmost priority.

The clinical and behavioral treatments adopted in the most reputed mental health treatment centers in Tucson are meant to deal with some of the most widespread affections among the population. These are:


Anxiety was once considered a benign mood swing, before being accepted as a serious mental affection. Some of its symptoms include: shortness of breath, sudden irrational fears, muscle tension, chest pain and headaches, disturbances in the sleeping patterns and a general state of unease one cannot exercise.


According to a 2012 study of the World Health Organization, approximately 7% of Americans have experienced at least one major depressive crisis. That’s 16 million adults. Worldwide, the numbers are even more impressive. An estimated 350 million people around the globe struggle with depression every day, making up for 5% of the world’s population. To make matters worse, between 10% and 15% of women will develop afterbirth depression.

And with symptoms like anti-social behavior, lack of self-confidence, inability to enjoy positive experiences and, in the more aggravated cases, substance abuse and suicidal tendencies, it becomes obvious that depression is one ruthless affection.

Bipolar Disorder

Approached by mental health treatment centers in Tucson with the attention it deserves, bipolar disorder is an affection characterized by sudden mood swings, varying between hypomania and depression and it manifests by unusual loquacity, poor decision-making, severe depression, insomnia, fatigue, inability to focus and even suicidal thoughts.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

OCD functions as a vicious circle, where the sufferer goes through 4 different recurrent phases, which function as a loop: temporary relief – obsessive thoughts – anxiety – compulsive behavior – temporary relief. The majority of the OCD patients are categorized as washers, doubters/sinners, arrangers, checkers or hoarders. With that in mind, some symptoms include fear of germs, fear of losing things, obsession with order, symmetry or details, obsession with superstitions and so on.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Being first introduced as a legitimate mental disorder in 1980 by the American Psychiatric Association, PTSD manifests itself through a wide array of symptoms, like difficulty sleeping and focusing, high irritability, recurrent traumatic dreams, physiological reactions as a result of traumatic flashbacks.

In addition to these, there is a wide range of other mood disorders that are being treated at reputed mental health treatment centers in Tucson. Some of these include seasonal affective disorder, cyclothymic disorder, dysthymia, disruptive mood dysregulation and others.

This shows that we, at America’s Rehab Campuses, have our hands full and that there are no shortcuts when dealing with mental affections. It all comes down to intensive treatment, psychological support and proficient, tested behavioral therapies.

Mental Health Treatment Centers Tucson