Young woman struggling with addiction

What Are 5 Ways to Prevent Addiction?

Addiction is not a disease that happens to someone else. It can happen to many people. When it occurs within your family, you could be at a loss of what to do to stop it. And, for an estimated 100,306 people from 2020 to 2021, addiction led to overdose resulting in 78,056 deaths, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is devastating, but what can you do now to prevent it from happening within your family?

America’s Rehab Campuses is available to help anyone that is battling addiction. That includes those who may just be starting to feel like they have less control over their drug use. If that sounds like what is happening to you, we encourage you to reach out to us right now to learn more about our outpatient drug treatment programs that can prevent addiction from occurring.

What You Can Do to Prevent It

For those without addiction, but perhaps with family and friends that are using, or for those who may be using more often than they used to, it is important to consider prevention methods. Preventing addiction is only foolproof if you do not use alcohol or drugs at all. If you cannot guarantee that, it is important to consider a few steps that could improve your outcome.

#1: Understand Addiction

To prevent addiction, you need to understand how it happens. Work to educate yourself, family, and friends about what addiction is. This disease impacts the way the brain processes information and communicates. It changes the way a person is able to control their actions. Over time, a person who uses alcohol and drugs may become unable to stop using because their brain is not reliant on it. Understanding this may help you see the real risks that often come from it.

#2: Don’t Give In to Peer Pressure

Today, it is easier than ever to avoid these substances. That is, you just need to say no. If you are with a group of friends who are enjoying substances, simply state that you’re not interested. Tell them you are driving others home instead. Or, just avoid being involved in situations where there is a high risk of peer pressure. Sometimes, it can be hard to avoid temptation when you are in that environment. For that reason, it may be best to avoid putting yourself at risk at all.

#3: Develop Healthy Coping Skills

Another tool that can help you to avoid addiction is to have better ways to deal with stress and trauma. For example, many people with addiction have an underlying mental health disorder like anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, or depression. Get treatment for those needs now, so you don’t feel the need to use substances.

In addition, develop ways to avoid stress that may include:

  • Finding someone to talk to and open up with fully
  • Spending time outdoors exercising
  • Engaging in deep breathing exercises
  • Working to journal or express your emotions in other ways
  • Embrace creative methods that help you with expression

#4: Develop a Strong Support System

Sometimes just having people to turn to and work with can be very valuable in avoiding the onset of addiction. Be open about the way you feel. Ask people not to engage in these substances around you. And, be sure that you are putting time in to create a healthy human connection with others. Doing this helps to build your confidence and allows you to avoid situations where drugs are present.

#5: Focus on Self Care

Taking care of yourself is a big part of preventing addiction. When you feel good, you do not want to do anything that could jeopardize that. At the same time, you want to be sure you are listening to your body and focusing on improving who you are. Focus on health in mind, body, and spirit.

Exploring the Treatment Options Available to You

If you are like many other people, you’re unsure if you need treatment for drug addiction. If there is any question about this, reach out to a treatment provider like America’s Rehab Campuses to learn more about the level of care we can offer to you. Don’t wait to reach out when you need help.