Alcoholic addict. Man near the table with alcohol and a glass. Dangerous habit. Unhealthy life concept. Social problem.

The reasons behind why one turns to drugs or alcohol can range from overall factors such as societal pressures to individual impacts from traumatic experience or genetic predisposition. Regardless of the cause, it’s important to tackle these issues head on. Doing so requires knowledge of the root cause as substance abuse is often how user’s cope with other issues they are facing.

Causes Can Go Unseen

While someone abusing drugs such as pain killers can trace their abuse back to an initial injury that ended with a prescription, other stories aren’t as straight forward and clear cut. Invisible forces that almost everyone faces are the portrayal of socially acceptable substances such as alcohol or marijuana in media.

Showcasing these substances as safe options for social settings or to “knock the edge off” after a long day lead to an acceptance that it’s simply how users handle the substances. Responsible use is possible when it comes to legal substances, but it’s also just as easy to use this easily accessible alternative to true health treatment in excess.

Internal factors that drive addiction are genetic predispositions that are passed down generation after generation and any mental health disorders. These hereditary influences can go undetected for years as they can lie dormant until a strong enough external force triggers them.

Family History of Substance Abuse and Addiction

Addictive tendencies have been shown to be actively passed down, often spanning multiple generations. Having these increased tendencies along with a family of problem substance users can set the tone at a dangerous level, one that makes the premise of addiction lack any red flags to a potential user.

Families with a history of addiction can also cause more stress in younger generations as each family member could be fighting their own struggle, leaving those still in their formative years without any guidance. Strong family bonds give family members confidence of support and a safety net, while a lack thereof can allow for peer pressure to have a stronger impact due to having no one else to learn from.

Addiction Forming From Dependency

Habitual users of drugs and alcohol can find themselves physically or emotionally dependent on a substance they never anticipated needing. Eventually, and with enough ignoring of the problem, these regular users can become fully addicted as the thought of dealing with any level of withdrawals is more concerning than being reliant on the substance in question.

The most familiar parallel to draw would be caffeine dependency. The infamous “Don’t talk to me until I’ve had my cup of coffee.” line that is seen in workplace comics and on mugs is making light of a very real addictive substance. Caffeine withdrawals can cause migraines, irritability and mood swings much like stronger stimulants such as cocaine or amphetamines.

Drawing these parallels can help to see how addiction begins. Lofty work expectations, long hours requiring more energy and the pressure to perform better than everyone else drives many office workers to stimulants. These are then paired with depressants such as alcohol at the end of the day to wind down, throwing your mind and body for a loop each time.

Do any of these causes or signs seem familiar either in your or someone you know? Don’t hesitate to seek help as it’s never too late for intervention. The team at America’s Rehab Campuses can match you with the perfect treatment plan focused on breaking dependency and giving you back your freedom.