Heroin AddictionWhen someone is contemplating treatment for drug addiction, they often think that their only option is living at an inpatient facility for several months. While this can be an excellent option, it can seem impossible to pursue for some individuals. However, there are many other drug abuse treatment options available and different programs you can pursue.

Types of Treatment for Addiction

There are numerous therapies available for addiction that rely on different mechanisms and approaches.

  • Medically-assisted drug detox to get through withdrawals and restore normal bodily function
  • Individual therapy such as CBT
  • Group therapy, either guided by a therapy expert or more peer-oriented forms of support
  • Inpatient care at a rehab facility
  • Outpatient care of varying intensities that allow a person to continue living at their own home, sometimes with sufficient time to continue attending to work and other responsibilities
  • Sober living provides a community-oriented approach to becoming sober, with a group living setting that’s free of drugs and alcohol

Best Option for Drug Abuse Treatment?

There is no single best option for drug abuse treatment, as each treatment has its own advantages and disadvantages. Furthermore, most treatment programs will combine different methodologies together in the process of helping patients recover.

Three Options for Drug Abuse Treatment Plans

Depending on the nature of your drug abuse problem and the position you’re at in your life, you might take different approaches to recovering from drug abuse. Here are three options for drug abuse treatment, ranging from intensive programs to treat serious addiction and options to help free yourself from the early stages of compulsive drug use.

Dealing with Severe Addiction

Severe addiction and drug abuse entails withdrawals that can be agonizing or even life-threatening, and even after they end a person will tend to have post-withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue and cravings that jeopardize their recovery. In such cases, it’s advisable to check in for inpatient rehab and detox. You’ll have no access to drugs for the duration of the project and will spend the time rebuilding good habits and self-care that will help you maintain your recovery upon returning to independent life.

Treat Addiction with Minimal Life Disruption

While serious interventions will always be necessary for some, this isn’t the only way to treat most addiction. Studies show that outpatient treatment is just as effective as inpatient treatment for a large part of the population with drug abuse problems. If taking time away from work seems impossible for you or if there are other considerations at hand, we can explore the possibility of medical detox followed by outpatient treatment.

Withdrawals are perhaps the most difficult and dangerous point in the process of recovery, and many overdoses occur when a person attempts to detox alone. While full inpatient rehab can take a month, it’s possible to detox from most drugs in less than a week. As such, checking in to the facility for a supervised, medically-assisted detox will help you stay safe and cut down on post-withdrawal symptoms. After this process, you can move directly to an outpatient program that will help you stay sober while you can continue to meet necessary responsibilities in your life. While this option will not be suitable for everyone and has its own drawbacks, it is a potential pathway to recovery.

Low-Intensity, Outpatient Treatment

Drug abuse and addiction exists on a broad spectrum, and chronic drug abuse can be a compulsive, behavioral problem before it becomes an addiction. While there’s a widespread, pernicious myth that someone can only begin to turn their life around after hitting rock bottom, that’s simply not true. If you sense that you’re losing control of your recreational drug or alcohol abuse but don’t find yourself experiencing physical addiction yet you can spare yourself the experience and turn things around. Checking in to a peer group or talking to a therapist who specializes in drug abuse can help you understand where your urge to abuse drugs comes from and find the support to abstain.

Build an Individualized Treatment Plan

America’s Rehab Campuses provide Arizona citizens with comprehensive addiction care, ranging from detox to various outpatient options. Reach out today to learn more about your options and begin proceeding with a personalized drug abuse treatment plan.