
A person with alcohol use disorder is an individual who understands that the continued use of alcohol is going to lead to negative consequences but continues to use anyway. It’s a disease and one that is progressive, especially over time. If you are like many other people with alcohol addiction and may even consider yourself an alcoholic, you may want to know how bad your condition is or how to know you need help. One way to do that is to understand the different types of alcoholics.

America’s Rehab Campuses understands that it’s hard to stop drinking even when you want to do so. View your condition as a disease. Get treatment for it through our alcohol addiction treatment program. Doing so can provide you with the very best level of support for your future.

Types of Alcoholism

What is a typical alcoholic? Though the term alcoholic is not considered ideal any longer, a person with alcohol use disorder isn’t always the stereotypical alcoholic. That is, a person with an addiction may be able to work, engage with others, and even feel normal but are still dependent on alcohol. Here are a few types of alcoholism groups that may help you to know where you stand.

Functional Alcoholism

A functional alcoholic is a person that is able to manage life while using alcohol on a consistent basis. For example, they may be able to hold down a job. They may be in a relationship that may have some ups and downs, but it is still working. Those in this group tend to be around middle aged. They may have started drinking in their late teens and have a lower level of co-occurring disorders like depression or anxiety. Some common traits may include:

  • Some legal problems often due to their alcohol use
  • About half of those in this group are married
  • They may seem to have their lives together and may even be looked up to by others

Familial Alcoholism

In this group of people, individuals typically have started drinking at a younger age, generally around the age of 17. They may have developed dependence earlier than functional alcoholism as well, usually around 30 to 32. One of the key factors about this group is that those within it tend to have other immediate family members who have had alcoholism as well. They may suffer from antisocial personality disorder, bipolar disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, or depression. Some also use cigarettes, cocaine, and marijuana. Some common traits may also include:

  • They typically have higher education, but not all do
  • Most have a full time job, but their income is sometimes lower than functional alcoholics
  • This group is least likely to seek treatment

Chronic Severe Alcoholism

Perhaps one of the most intense levels of alcoholism, chronic severe alcoholism impacts the fewest number of people. This group often starts drinking at a young age, often around 15. They develop dependence in their 20s. A large percentage of this group have had a close family member with alcoholism, and about half of those in this group have some type of mental health disorder such as antisocial personality disorder. They are also at the highest risk for having major depression, social phobia, panic disorder, and bipolar disorder. Many use other drugs as well. Some common traits include:

  • Those in this group are at a high risk for developing acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome if they stop using
  • They may be drinking a large amount of alcohol on a consistent basis
  • They tend to have a lot of recovery period after long periods of heavy use

Finding Help in Addiction Treatment

If you find yourself in one of these or other groups of alcoholism, it’s essential to take action to get help. America’s Rehab Campuses can help you by providing a wide range of treatment programs geared towards improving your overall wellbeing. Do not wait until you are faced with overdose or damage to relationships to seek help.

Instead, contact our team today to learn about our medical detox programs as well as our inpatient treatment programs for alcohol use disorder. We are here to help support you as you start on the path to recovery from addiction. You do not have to live like this, no matter how severe your situation is.