Admissions at America's Rehab Campuses

Knowing you need drug and alcohol addiction treatment is a big step in getting help. Coming to that decision isn’t easy, but it is something you need to do if you are unable to stop using substances or they’ve impacted your life in a negative way. Making that decision, you then need to consider what steps to take to get into treatment. One common question is whether or not PPO insurance will cover the cost of addiction. Here’s what you need to know.

Does PPO Coverage Pay for Addiction Treatment?

If you have a Preferred Provider Organization health insurance plan, it is likely that you have coverage for mental health needs. A PPO is typically made up of a large or sometimes a small network of doctors and medical experts. One of the key benefits of having PPO coverage is that it allows you to choose any provider in that network to obtain care. You do not need to get a referral for care first. That means that you do not have to talk to your family care provider before getting addiction help.

Understanding Your Expected Costs

Like many types of health insurance, a PPO plan may have out of pocket expenses you need to pay for while receiving care. Most of the time that means a deductible. You may have to pay that amount before the insurance kicks in to cover the remaining costs.

One of the keys to know is that you do not need to estimate costs. When you call America’s Rehab Campus to inquire about care, our team can help you determine your expected costs with your insurance. Even if you have no idea if you have coverage, we can help you determine that. There’s no charge for that either – just give us a call, and we can give you some more details.

Will It Cover Detox?

PPO coverage can differ from one plan to the next. If it is determined that detox is medically necessary – which it often is – then it may provide coverage for this type of healthcare as well. That’s determined based on a full assessment.

Outpatient or inpatient care may also be covered under your PPO. This may include very specific types of care, such as inpatient care may be available to you for 30 days or more. You may need inpatient care if you have moderate to severe addiction and do not have a safe place to live while undergoing treatment. It’s important for your doctor to determine what level of care you need. Most PPO plans can still be very flexible to meet your needs.

Some people only need outpatient care. If that is determined to be what’s right for your needs by our team, your PPO plan may cover it as well. Outpatient care may be for a specific number of days, or it may cover a very specific type or level of care.

How We Can Help You with Your Insurance Questions

Drug and alcohol addiction treatment is covered under the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008. It is also a requirement under the Affordable Care Act that a plan purchased through the Healthcare Marketplace include coverage for mental health.

However, you may need to know how much you have to pay over and above this. We can help you. When you call our team, we will be able to determine the specific costs associated with care under your plan. We’ll also be able to answer any questions you have.

Are You Ready to Get Help for Addiction?

America’s Rehab Campuses provides a wide range of tools to help you. If you are unsure of your coverage options or the type of care you need, let our compassionate team of professionals offer guidance and support to you. Reach out to us now by calling us or connecting online. Your future depends on what you do now to get help.