Woman on top of a mountain

Knowing someone going through addiction recovery gives you the opportunity to help and be there for them, but it can be difficult to know what’s appropriate to say if you haven’t talked to them about it before. It’s understandable as the topic can be painful to touch on for some, but those who have achieved sobriety still need encouragement and motivating to maintain their healthier lifestyle. Here are some ways you can acknowledge and congratulate them on their sobriety, whether it’s their first month, year or decade!

Always Stay Positive and Supportive

When talking to someone about their sobriety, make sure to avoid personal questions about their treatment or recovery. Let them share any details they’d like to as an innocent question may lead to an uncomfortable response. Instead, focus on simple but powerful statements such as saying you’re proud of them. Not only for becoming sober, but for committing to it as a lifelong goal.

Another reason it’s important not to ask how long they’ve been sober or when they finished treatment is that relapse is a normal part of recovery, but it can be a source of turmoil for those who have gone through it before. Keep the conversation on the positive changes they’ve made for themselves and how far they’ve already come. Having someone to talk to can be a source of motivation to keep going, knowing their efforts and progress are seen by those close to them.

Be Part of Their Support Network

If you want to be there for them to celebrate their future sobriety milestones as well, connect with them! A strong support group of friends, family and loved ones can make long-term sobriety easier than ever. It’s common for times of increased stress to lead to relapse which is why having someone to call on instead of turning to alcohol is so important.

Staying connected and building that relationship can start with something as simple as reaching out to see what they’re doing every day or two. You can invite them out for events where alcohol isn’t served or help them host sober parties to celebrate with other like-minded individuals. The more you can help them enjoy life while sober, the less appeal alcohol will have and is just one of many ways you can continue to be a source of support.

Reach Out and Learn More With ARC

Understanding what it truly means to be sober in recovery can help you better communicate and connect with loved ones currently maintaining a sober lifestyle. If you have any questions on how to help those in recovery, what treatment means, or to get help for someone you care about, we encourage you to reach out to the ARC team today for a free consultation.