

Treating Salvia Addiction:

Salvia is known for its distorting effects, causing extreme and often unpleasant effects on the psyche. This plant based extract is used for its hallucinogenic properties, but may produce harmful effects such as anxiety and withdrawal from familial and social relationships. Arizona Rehab Campus is here to guide you through this addiction, providing comfort and stability the whole way through.

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Putting Salvia Addiction in the Past

Sometimes salvia addiction will require immediate detox. Our detox program at ARC is medically assisted, providing the utmost in comfort and safety as clients undergo withdrawal symptoms. Medication may be used to assist in withdrawal. After detox, clients reside in private rooms that provide comfortable accommodation during their time of transition. They are provided with individual therapy each day, and are given treatment that is evidence-based and proven to have positive results.

The program at ARC uses:

  • Initial medically supervised detox to achieve baseline health
  • Private room accommodation
  • Personal counselor
  • Individual therapy daily
  • Treatments (as needed): CBT, motivational interviews & mindfulness, family therapy, relapse prevention, 12-step support
Back patio with chairs and small tables
arizona drug rehab

A Life Without Salvia Addiction

Addiction to salvia may produce damaging effects on the brain, making normal life seem unattainable. However, at ARC we are here to support you, giving you the comprehensive individualized treatment you need to begin life again, confidently and with sobriety. Help begins with a phone call. Call ARC today and begin your journey to life without salvia addiction.